Two weeks ago a damming letter landed on Home Secretary Theresa May's desk from well known Investigator Andrea Davison. The letter reveals that as a child Andrea was sent by the Court to Duncroft Approved School, the Children's prison recently in the headlines for encouraging the notorious Paedophile Jimmy Savile to take his pick of young girls. Andrea writes that it was at Duncroft she first found out about an Elite Paedophile ring reaching into the heart of Government.
This revelation may explain Andrea's unremitting determination to expose child abuse and supplies yet another reason why the Police and Yorkshire Crown Prosecution Service and the Judiciary of North Wales wanted to get her into prison where they could silence her. Her colleagues are convinced the Establishment were deliberately driving her to suicide or would have suicided her in prison. The infamous barrister Felicity Gerry who prosecuted the Heroine twittered about women in British Prisons committing suicide in cells with blood stained walls.
There were many mysterious accidents and deaths linked to systematic Child Abuse in North Wales. Last week whistle-blower Malcolm King had a suspicious road accident where the brakes failed on his well maintained Volvo. read more This is a short list of well documented deaths associated with North Wales child abuse from aagirtfan But there have been many more accidents.
In the 90's Andrea worked closely with Tony Blair to uncover the paedophile ring. She included evidence of this with her letter to Theresa May. One document is from Tony Blair to Kenneth Clarke who was Home Secretary in 1992 and part of a Government riddled with paedophiles and their sympathisers. 20 years later Kenneth Clarke got his opportunity for revenge when as Justice Minister in Cameron's Government he prevented Andrea from having a fair trial. Andrea Davison knows all about Clarke's involvement in the cover-up of the paedophile ring and it must be a disappointment for Cameron's Government to learn that their stormtroopers did not steal all Andrea's letters and even more galling that she now seeks the protection of an unfriendly Government
Letter from Tony Blair to then Home Secretary Kenneth Clarke who was Justice Minister in Cameron's Government |
When it comes to covering up child abuse the Conservative Government and the Courts show no respect for European or International or even basic Human Rights. They are determined to silence those who could expose their complicity in decades of child abuse.
Not content with destroying Andrea's childhood incarcerating her in a paedophile ridden Approved School the they set about to destroy her chance of a peaceful old age. At age 62 the Court stole the Investigators life savings, her inheritance and heirlooms from her Parents and everything she owned claiming everything was the 'proceeds of crime'. The Court then made an Order preventing her from paying for Legal Advise or Assistance to get back her property and Legal Aid was refused. Then the Court in North Wales tried her in her absence refusing to even allow her to have Solicitors of her choice.
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Wales on Sunday 1992 twenty years later and what has been done? |
Andrea Davison is a former spy who investigated the former Conservative Governments involvement in illegal arms deals and their cover-up of organised child abuse.The evidence she held about the North Wales Children's Homes and Duncroft and the Paedophile ring was seized by the Derby and North Wales Police in January 2010 along with thousnads of documents on arms to Iraq. Realising she had been set-up by the Police, the Judiciary and the Crown Prosecution Service and her own solicitors Andrea found asylum in Argentina earlier this year.
In her letter to Thereas May, Andrea offers Camerons Government her testemony which includes what the Intelligence and Security Services know about the paedophile ring, who is involved and how it operates. She urges the Home Secretary to retrieve the evidence stolen from her by the North Wales Police in January 2010 and to acquire the extensive records from the Intelligence and Security Services.
So just what did the Intelligence Services Know about the paedophile ring which operated in Parliament and what do they know now? We recently had some help with this from a former Special Branch Officer who said that ""thick file full of statements from young boys alleging abuse" was seized by M15 in the 1970s and was never forwarded for prosecution. It was claimed this week that the file was labelled by the director of public prosecutions at the time: "No further action. Not in the public interest. DPP."
So the Crown Prosecution Service think it is not in the Public Interest to prosecute Paedophiles but it is in the Public Interest to prosecute paedophile investigators and important Intelligence agents! Disband the CPS cover-up squad.
Ken Livingstone MP said in his maiden speech to Parliament in 1987, and on LBC radio last week, that Mi5 would film the child sex abuse at the Kincora boys home in order to blackmail politicians as part of the Northern Ireland Peace Process.
In the early 90's Scallywag Magazine also exposed that MI5 took foreign diplomats and important people to the North Wales homes and secretly filmed them abusing and torturing boys to use the tapes for blackmail. It was Andrea Davison who gathered the evidence for this exposure explaining it is a classic Intelligence modus operandi with regard to child abuse by the famous and influential – especially politicians that they want to control.
The cover-up of child abuse over decades indicates the hand of the State Agencies. M15's role has never been investigated and now it is time for Theresa May to order an investigation.
Andrea Davison's colourful career also led her to work with the press and Scallywag Magazine. During the 1990's she helped with the exposure of paedophiles through Scallywag and Spiked Magazine. This must have scared the previous Tory Government who went to great lengths to close Scallywag down.
Scallywag Magazine |
What happened to the Journalists and Researchers who worked with Scallywag and its successor Spiked.!
Simon Stander stayed in Cyprus following the strange road accident which killed Angus James Wilson. His was last known to be teaching in a University in Costa Rica
Journalist Peter Sawyer went on to write the Book 'GOTCHA' with the Knight brothers and a former member of the Flying squad. He became a producer on a number of documentaries and wrote freelance for both the tabloids and the broadsheets.
Andrea Davison went on to expose arms to Iraq and was an intelligence adviser to the Trade and Industry Select Committee on Arms to Iraq and gave evidence in secret to Lord Justice Scott's Inquiry into Arms to Iraq. Illness caused by her work in Iraq meant she had to retire from front line work and so she carried on working in the background until she was set-up by Cameron's Conservative Government and wrongly convicted in July 2012. Andrea is now a refugee in Argentina and is believed to be writing a book with a famous American Author.
Will Andrea's offer of help in her letter to Theresa May be accepted? Will the paedophile ring which stretches all the way to number 10 finally be exposed or will Theresa May and Cameron's Government hope they have managed to discredit Andrea Davison and she can be safely ignored?
I wonder if Tony Blair knows about the child abuse ring in Islington, which links to the other abuse rings?
ReplyDelete- Aangirfan
I assume this is a rhetorical question....
DeleteIt will be interesting to find out exactly just what Tony Blair and Kenneth Clarke did know and do know? as the story unfolds!
ReplyDeleteThe Andrea Davison story serves to prove how important it is to keep several copies of investigation files at different locations. Also to be prepared to fight back even when you have been deprived of all resources.
ReplyDeleteCarol you are so very right!
DeleteThe Establishment are fighting hard to keep the lid on decades of organised Child Abuse. They are using all their resources to discredit investigators, whistle-blowers and survivors.
Evidence from fighters like Andrea Davison greatly helps uncover the truth.
While it is great to hear that not every girl suffered at the hands of these monsters, the fact remains that there is ample evidence in the public domain, including court cases and prosecutions as well as a great many survivors stepping forward to get to the truth.
ReplyDeleteI hope and pray that Andrea and the author can between them provide concrete expert evidence to demonstrate the extent of the depravity that went on within the walls of this awful place.
I think all eyes should be cast on the Australian Government as they now seem to be hell bent on righting all the wrongs that have taken place in that country. We must compel the UK Government to do the same and to leave no stone unturned, for the sake of all those who've seen their lives destroyed or taken away by assault, rape, torture and murder.
We are well past the tipping point and the tide is turning. It's important that we unite and fight a morally corrupt and totally useless legal and government system that does everything it can to protect itself while crucifying the whistle-blowers and otherwise decent, law-abiding people who have had enough of the lies, deceit and evil that pervades our society at all levels but most especially, the very top.
If we don't make a stand now, we only have ourselves to blame. Our complacency makes us all complicit if we choose to do nothing.
Thank you so much for this enlightening article. If it wasn't for bloggers like you, where would we be? We can't trust the MSM as their as bent as the system they're supposed to investigate and dissect to ensure we are being governed properly and that we are truly democratic.
The reality is that they are in bed with the evil cabal that has the power and the money to enslave us all and hurt a great many souls in the process.
sorry for the spelling mistake, that should of course read the MSM as they're....
DeleteRedsearcher thank you excellent comment. With your permission I would like to use part of it?
ReplyDeleteI firmly believe we can get the truth out if we keep pushing.
Thank you also for the encouragement. All of us who know the truth are working together as one for a better and fairer world.
Somebody saying it is not proof, and for those who say it to be discredited by the simple application of facts, i.e. the wrong years, etc., doesn't assist those who are perhaps being truthful. You know perfectly well that the police cannot so far substantiate any claims, despite investigation. They investigated in 2007 for example, while Savile was still living and declined to go further. We'll have to see what Operation Yewtree comes up with, but so far Lord McAlpine has been slandered by the unfortunate Steven Messham and has been compensated by the British public, via the BBC, to the tune of 185 thousand pounds. At this point in time, and because of these people who want to bring false accusations, let's remember that the UK does not function under Napoleonic Law, i.e. guilty until proven innocent, and Mr. Savile has been mostly vilified by a very small group of women from Duncroft who were there in the mid-70s. Ms. Davison, if she is in fact 62, could not physically have been there at that time, because Mr. Savile was not coming to the school in the 60s. I was at the school in the 60s, so I know this for a fact. It doesn't track as to timeline, news. Let's face it. Now as far as your concerns for innocent victims of such nasty crimes, that's very laudable, but it would be appreciated if you would continue the hunt some place away from Duncroft, because it's a dry hole, as they say here in the U.S.
ReplyDeleteDear Moor Laine
DeleteIs this an alias for Duncroft Prison, More Lane, Staines Middlesex?
Moor Laine you have a long history on line don't you?
In fact it is brand new
No posts, no photo's only these comments such as "Lord McAlpine has been slandered by Steven Messham and has been compensated by the British public, via the BBC, to the tune of 185 thousand pounds" and "You know perfectly well that the police cannot so far substantiate any claims, despite investigation. They investigated in 2007 for example, while Savile was still living and declined to go further"
Agents of disinformation like you Moor Laine only go to demonstrate how much the truth on blogs like this one is hurting paedophiles in the UK.
Justice Denied beware of these agent provocateurs they comment only to deflect and misinform
Child abuse still going on. We have to expose the historic abuse to know how to stop the current abuse
ReplyDeleteThousands of children each year are being sexually exploited by gangs and groups in England, according to a report by the Office of the Children's Commissioner. If you are affected by any of these issues, call ChildLine on 0800 1111.
Moore Laine sounds like Anna Racoon who’s real name is Susanne Nundy but who uses her mailden name of Suzanne Cameron-Blackie and does not admit to Nundy who writes as ‘Anna’. Occasionally aided and abetted by writers as diverse as Matt Wardman, Gildas the Monk, SadButMadLad, and Thaddeus J Wilson.
ReplyDeleteShe usea a lot of names and works for M15. Her and her little group are specialist child abuse debunkers.
If in fact she did go to Duncroft it is not a surprise as I am told it was used to recruit highly inteligent but very seriously distrubed girls for work in the intelligence services.
The Security Services desperately want to stop the truth comming out.
Children are still being abused. If we let them cover-up the past it will just keep on happening.
ReplyDeletewe must support the investigators and whistleblowers
ReplyDeleteI knew Andrea at Duncroft but we called her Andie. I helped her escape one night by tying sheets together so she could climb down from a top floor window. She said a car would be waiting for her. I never saw her again Hope she is safe. Oh and there definatley was solitary confinement in the 60's I was locked up in the cell myself following being returned to the hell hole after absconding.
ReplyDeleteThank you for those very interesting details.
DeleteDo the coincidence theorists really believe that Andrea was at Duncroft and then joined the paedo spy services. Does it need to be spelled out?
ReplyDeleteNothing remain forever. Then why to keep same patter of work again and again. Why to repeat same strategy for very essay. Use differ strategy for different subjects because every subject has its own meaning. Keep such posts on.
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