Police are prepared to murder to conceal their corruption” says NOTW Paul McMullan journalist…
Appearing at the Leveson Inquiry, former News of the World reporter Paul McMullan made some damning allegations against Establishment figures.
The most damning of all was his ‘allegation’ that police officers are prepared to commit murder to prevent their corruption being exposed.
Was this an innuendo to the murder of Daniel Morgan? The slain private detective was about to expose extensive corruption in the Met ‘Police’ but was cut down with an axe before he opened his mouth.
The connections between corrupt cops and NOTW journo-crooks is well documented now and there is much more to come…
And Paul McMullan clearly knows a great deal more than he has let slip thus far. His style at Leveson was brash and arrogant. He could not conceal his outright contempt for the police.
Of course McMullan knows the ‘police’ only too well and his arrest me if you dare attitude is borne of the fact that he knows where the bodies are buried as it were.
Should the public take him seriously? I would argue yes and my own attempts to expose institutionalised corruption inside Nottinghamshire ‘Police’ have convinced me that bent cops will do anything to conceal their crimes and that includes murder.
Trying to expose police corruption in Britain is a mammoth task. The press are not interested in exposing bent cops and News International have never been in that business.
The Home Office are just as bad and always take the side of their police puppets. The IPCC has a proven track record as a professional whitewash brigade and the public can have no faith in that exoneration ‘service’.
The only chance the public have to expose police corruption is through the medium of citizen journalism. It works but it is dangerous business and the ‘police’ will blacklist anyone who dares to expose their corruption. They prefer people to use the IPCC whitewash avenue but that is a complete waste of time.
Daniel Morgan
As much as I find many of Paul McMullan’s stunts revolting, I respect his complete honesty about police corruption and the crimes of his News International bosses.
Despite hundreds of bent cops taking bribes from the press, only a handful have been arrested on suspicion of taking bribes from News International. Bribegate has outstripped Hackgate in terms of corruption.
A former detective who worked on Operation Ruby told me on Twitter that “approximately 200 bent cops at the Met were taking bribes from the press.”
Having worked in the industry, I know only too well the pitfalls of “assisted journalism” and have never fallen into that pit of criminality. Dan Evans however clearly did at the News of the World and probably before that at the Sunday Mirror.
There is little doubt that most of the bent cops taking bribes from the press will never be arrested. We are dealing with a “sacrificial scalps” process for public consumption. A fact confirmed by Martin Brunt on Sky News.
If Theresa May had a sincere willingness to uncover and stop police corruption, authorising a judicial inquiry into the murder of Daniel Morgan would be a priority. But from my own dealings with May, I doubt she has any real interest in rooting out crooked coppers.
The murder of Daniel Morgan is dynamite for the MPS and May knows the sheer damage it could inflict on the police. This scandal has the potential to destroy the MPS and as such May will continue to block the Morgan family.
As for Paul McMullan and his allegation that the police are prepared to murder to conceal corruption, he should be compelled to tell exactly what he means by this statement and how it relates to Daniel Morgan.
Don’t expect truth and justice from the Home Office. Theresa May is in the power business not the justice business. She is protecting extremely powerful vested interests.
What evidence has Murdoch’s MSC handed over to the MPS regarding the NOTW involvement in the murder of Daniel Morgan? Nothing?
The only way the Morgan family will get justice for their slain relative is through a widespread public campaign for a judicial inquiry. People power brings results.
source http://thedailyagenda.wordpress.com/2011/12/01/police-prepared-to-murder-to-conceal-corruption-says-notw-journalist/
great blog ,reblogged