Kids For Cash UK has been working with a victim to investigate the wide scale sexual abuse of children in care in Leicester and has quickly found links to the case of convicted social worker, Frank Beck, who died in prison in 1994.
The evidence points to a cover up of children being farmed for sexual abuse, as well as the collusion of social workers and police officers in preventing this from coming to light. There are even indications that some of these children may have been taken to Amsterdam as part of a trafficking network. Despite reporting the crimes to a police detective, a victim, who was raped and abused by multiple males over a five year period, claims to have been told that no one would believe her because she had previously been in trouble with the police.
Given the now established links between the Welsh care homes, paedophiles in Derbyshire and Leicestershire, and now a potential link to the same internationally trafficked trade as provided from care homes in London, the suspicion is that child sex abuse has been facilitated by a national network.
Kids For Cash UK voluntary Chief Executive, David Gale, said, “We have uncovered evidence of collusion between public sector professionals directly involved in the supply of children in care for sexual abuse. A large proportion of those involved in the cover up are freemasons in positions of power and influence. There is evidence of a police informer apparently being immune to investigation despite his association with others involved in the abuse of children.”
“I believe that there are serious questions to be answered about exactly what was being arranged by patrons of the Jolly Miller public house in Leicester which, coincidentally, happens to have been the location of the last sighting of a young girl who became a murder victim. A disturbingly high proportion of the involved victims and abusers appear to have been murdered, committed suicide or have died suddenly.”
Kids for Cash UK is calling for:
1. The reopening of the Leicestershire child sex abuse inquiry
2. The initiation of a coordinated nationwide investigation of child sex abuse by the National Crime Agency
3. Parliamentary committee oversight over both of the above
Gale said, “This is not just about the failure to listen to a victim. This is about substantial amounts of evidence being withheld at virtually every stage of the previous inquiry. There is a pressing need to root out those behind wide scale child sex abuse and the corresponding cover up.”
David Gale | Interim Chief Executive | Kids for Cash UK | w:
Kids for Cash UK - protecting vulnerable childre
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